You have a choice as to which type of exam you take. You can either take our traditional paper-based exams or — for an enhanced digital experience — you can now take our new digital exams. The qualification at the end is the same, but there are differences in the exam delivery, experience and timing.
Both tests are taken at an authorised exam centre, your school or an external venue and include a face-to-face Speaking exam. You take the Listening, Reading and Use of English, and Writing exams via your preferred method, either paper-based or digitally.
Differences between the paper-based and digital exams:
Paper based
Exam location
At an authorised exam centre, school or external venue
Set dates (Key for Schools and Preliminary for Schools available up to 365 days a year*)
Up to 365 days a year*
Approximately 4 weeks before exam date
Up to 2 working days before exam date*
A2 Key to C2 Proficiency
Exam set up
On paper
On computer (available on PCs, laptops and Macs)
Task types
Exam content
Same questions for all candidates
Questions randomly allocated
4–6 weeks after exam date
5–10 working days after exam date
Speaking test
Listening test
Digital audio player
Headphones with volume control
Reading & Writing test
Paper with a pen and pencil
Computer with keyboard, screen and mouse
Paper certificate sent to the exam centre 7–10 weeks after the exam date
Paper certificate usually sent to the exam centre within 3–4 weeks
*Talk to your chosen exam centre about their schedule.
Which exam format should I choose?
This will depend on what your chosen exam centre offers and what you are more comfortable with. While there are many benefits of a digital exam and the majority of our candidates who take the exam this way recommend it, if you prefer writing by hand, you should consider a paper-based test. However, if you’re familiar with typing on a keyboard and using a computer, we recommend you take the digital exam.
Which format is easier?
As both tests are the same, neither is easier or more difficult. However, some candidates feel more in control taking the digital exam as they can use headphones for the listening paper, easily edit their writing and keep track of their word count, and highlight text and add notes in the reading. There’s also a timer to see how much time is remaining in each part. For more information on the benefits of sitting a digital exam, visit our Cambridge English Qualifications Digital page
You can take one of our paper-based exams at an authorised exam centre in your local area, at your school or at an external venue. We offer all levels from Pre A1 Starters to C2 Proficiency, and the test is completed on paper, using a pen and pencil.
If you would prefer to take your exam on a computer then take a look at Cambridge English Qualifications Digital, now available for exams starting at A2 Key through to C2 Proficiency.
Discover a wide range of free resources to help you succeed
Check out our free materials to help you prepare for your paper-based exam. Simply choose your level on our exam preparation page and discover sample papers, worksheets, vocabulary lists and exam information booklets.
You can also try our free online activities to practise your reading, writing, listening, grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary.
What to expect on exam day
There are lots of things to think about when getting ready for your exam. Here are some useful links to help you prepare for test day so you can focus on doing your best.
Read in Exams Owl the paper-based exam day guide full of exam day tips and FAQs, and watch the video below about what to expect.
Cambridge English Qualifications Digital
Digital assessment
Today, more and more exams are conducted online or on computers with remote proctoring. Cambridge English, the world leader in English qualifications, was the first to develop and offer the digital option for its face-to-face exams, as well as an online exam solution with remote proctoring.
Cambridge English Qualifications Digital deliver an enhanced assessment experience with faster results, greater flexibility and later registration deadlines. Designed to meet the needs of both teachers and students, the platform offers:
Flexible exam dates
Shorter result turnaround times
Increased convenience and accessibility
Available exams
Cambridge English Qualifications Digital include the following levels
A2 Key / A2 Key for Schools
B1 Preliminary / B1 Preliminary for Schools
B2 First / B2 First for Schools
C1 Advanced
C2 Proficiency
Pre A1 Starters
A1 Movers
What are Cambridge English Qualifications Digital? The Digital test incorporates an advanced marking system for exams conducted on a computer. This format complements traditional paper-based exams, providing a flexible and modern alternative that meets the needs of today’s learners and institutions. The flexibility that the new platform incorporates also allows shorter deadlines for the publication of results and tighter registration periods.
On demand: sessions every day, 365 days a year at any time of day.
Fast: results received in just 5 to 10 working days. This is 5 days faster than now.
Flexible: offer registration 1 or 2 weeks in advance.
Secure: randomized tests for increased security.
The preferred exam experience
Available from pre A1 Starters to C2 Proficiency, Cambridge English Qualifications Digital offer an enhanced exam experience and a faster, more flexible way to achieve a Cambridge English Qualification. These exams assess the same knowledge and skills as traditional paper-based exams, but include digital features designed to help you take control and perform at your best.
Our exam centres have been at the forefront of the introduction and development of Cambridge English exams on computers. Since the first computer-based sessions in 2009, we have actively collaborated to refine and improve the digital exam format. This dedication to innovation was recognised in 2015 when Cambridge English awarded Exams Catalunya for its 'Innovative Technological Development', recognising our commitment to providing exceptional service.
Cambridge English Qualifications Digital provide the same trusted assessment experience as paper-based exams, delivered through an intuitive and user-friendly digital platform. Designed for accessibility and ease of use, the format ensures that candidates can focus on demonstrating their skills without distraction.
Key features:
Exam structure
Identical structure, task types and timings to paper-based exams
Adjustable volume during the Listening test
On-screen clock
A timer for better time management.
Customisable interface
Options to adjust font size and background colour for accessibility.
Enhanced sound quality for the Listening test by using headphones
Keyboard input
Use of a computer keyboard for the written sections of the exams.
Speaking test
Conducted in the traditional face-to-face format for authenticity.
Special Requirements:
Candidates with special requirements may request accommodations, such as extra time for the Reading/Use of English and Writing components.
Important note: Cambridge English Qualifications Digital exams cannot be taken at home on a personal computer.
Familiarise yourself with the unique features of digital exams by practising with online activities. These resources will ensure you are fully prepared for your test day and help you to perform at your best. Digital exams test the same skills as paper-based exams, so candidates and teachers don't need to change their study or teaching methods. Explore free resources and practice tests by level on our exam preparation site, Exams Owl to help you prepare effectively.
Dates: where you want, when you want
Candidates can take their Cambridge English Digital exam almost any week of the year at a variety of locations. Dates and locations are listed on our website, and you can easily check availability using our online exam calendar.
Preparation Centres can request a session on any day of the year. Simply use the ‘Request a Session’ button on Exams Madrid Onlineor email us at [email protected] to schedule your preferred date.
Secure, reliable, and straightforward
Test items are randomised, ensuring that candidates in the same room receive different versions. This reduces the risk of malpractice and provides a secure, fair and on-demand testing experience.
Reliable: Candidates only need an Internet connection at the start and end of the exam. If the connection is lost during the test, progress and submissions remain unaffected.
Straightforward: Cambridge Digital exams are easy to set up, providing a seamless experience for both candidates and test administrators alike.
Special arrangements for candidates with special needs
Cambridge Assessment English provides adaptations to make its examinations more accessible to candidates with special requirements. For example, special arrangements might be available for candidates with a specific learning difficulty, hearing or visual impairment or limited mobility.
To request special arrangements, the candidate must send us a medical certificate along with a brief explanation of the adaptation/s they request via email before the deadline for their exam session.
Candidates who require modified exam materials must register for their exam and contact us with their request no less than 8 weeks before the exam date to ensure there is enough time for their materials to be ordered and for them to arrive from Cambridge before their exam.
For more information about the types of materials that are available, please click on the following link:
IMPORTANT: If you wish to apply for special arrangements or modified examination materials you should make your application when you register for your examination.
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